
User Information

Access to the website

Full access to this website is available to all members of the wider Leighton Park community, including former staff and students, current staff and students, and parents of students.  For log-in information, please email archives@leightonpark.com.

Partial access is available to the general public.  Any member of the public wishing to research a particular area of the School’s history is encouraged in the first instance to contact the School Archivist at archives@leightonpark.com.

Conditions of use

Users of this website must observe the copyright stipulations.  Users wishing to have copies of any of the images are asked to contact The Archivist, indicating, where possible, the index number of the image(s) concerned and stating the reason for requesting them.

The wide range of material posted on this site includes publications and articles written many decades ago. Views expressed at that or any other time are not necessarily the views of the present day School, and must not be construed as such.

In our collection of images we have endeavoured to limit the naming of individuals. If anyone wishes to object to any reference to  their name in any section of the site, please notify The Archivist at archives@leightonpark.com.

Guide to use of the site

To access the content of the site, use the ‘Browse’ function. This will lead to a number of sections, represented by images. Clicking on each of those images will lead to the section concerned. Most sections are a collection of images related to a specific theme. The images can be viewed individually or as a slide show. Most images have a text description. The text description is accessible either by holding the mouse over the image or by opening the image and clicking at the bottom of the image for a description.

The site-wide  ‘search function’ is mostly self-explanatory. Please note there is an option to search a whole phrase as well as an individual word. Where a search leads to an extract from a  copy of a magazine, there is a further option to view the extract only or the entire edition of the relevant publication.

   You will find several Archives videos amongst our wide collection of videos on Leighton Park’s own Youtube channel. 'Leighton Park Reading'

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